See Beyond Limitations. Unlock Your Full Potential with Intuitive Insights and Strategic Planning

Our Process

Take a sneak peak look into our process of how we go from start to finish when it comes to intuitive interpretation and developing a strategy

Archetypal Analysis

Our team of experts will interpret the archetypal data within your business, including symbols, patterns, and themes, to gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and purpose.

Uncovering Your Business Story

Through archetypal analysis and intuition, we will help you uncover the unique story of your business, including its strengths and challenges.

Greater Insight & Clarity

Our approach will provide you with greater insight and clarity about your business and its potential, allowing you to make informed decisions about its future direction.

Email Prompts & Correspondence

I know it’s hard to remember all the ideas and exercises we do together. Keeping in touch via email will help keep you accountable and on track with your busy schedule.

Every time I send an email, I’ll include a recap of what we spoke about (click) and links to articles that provide more information or support!

Our communication doesn’t end with sessions, I send you email prompts that will help keep you focused and pointed towards your goals!

Our emails can be customized to fit your needs- all of which is digitally tailored to you. These email prompts are to help you dig deeper so you won’t get lost in between sessions.

With these email reminders in place there’s no need for “brain fog”, so each time we meet, you’re super prepared.

Intentional Strategy Design

Our intuitive analysis and strategy planning approach is designed to help you align your business with your values and mission while also setting clear goals, milestones, and objectives to help guide its development and growth. We'll work with you to create a personalized strategy that incorporates your unique vision for your business and helps you achieve the results you desire.

Holistic Approach

Our intuitive analysis and strategy planning approach takes into account the spiritual and natural laws that govern business and leadership development.

Vision Statement

A vision statement, is a written form of guidance for your direction in business and leadership. This combination of personal astrology and natal chart mapping helps you focus on the goals you want to achieve when it comes to 5 areas: professional and personal fulfillment, financial success, emotional stability, mental clarity and social relationships.

When you’re in the midst of everything, knowing what’s most important can feel difficult. Your vision statement is a powerful reminder of your priorities – written by you and for you. You’ll find that your personal vision statement will grow as you do, making it an excellent tool to keep yourself focused on your career and business journey towards success.


Our sessions are recorded so you can listen to them whenever, wherever. You’ll never feel lost again — just head on over and play your session any time. Or bookmark it for later in case you get the words mixed up.

In addition, our accompanying workbook offers a focus on practical exercises to help make sense of everything we talked about during the session – keep referring back to it as reminders if required!